Political Context

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ action plan for global food security, published December 2022, the Dutch government conceptualized NFS as food systems that ensured the long-term and affordable production and consumption of nutritious food around the world, particularly in the face of climate change and social inequalities.

The Netherlands emphasized NFS as integral to achieving SDG #2. NFS are a means to achieve the Netherlands’ key objectives, as mentioned in the latest Dutch foreign trade and development strategy.

How is Dutch ODA to NFS evolving?

In 2021, Dutch ODA to NFS was US$98 million, representing 26% of Dutch agricultural ODA.

Between 2017 and 2021, Dutch ODA funding to NFS increased by over 500%, highlighting the Netherlands' interest in the topic. NFS is addressed across multiple development sectors, including the Netherlands' climate, health, and Africa strategy.

The Dutch action plan for global food security, launched December 2022, stated an increased food security budget of US$486 million until 2027. Given current uncertainties around the Dutch government paired with budget re-allocations, however, the outlook for Dutch NFS funding remains unclear.

How does the Netherlands allocate its NFS ODA?

The Netherlands provides NFS funding exclusively in forms of grants. The Netherlands focuses on LDCs, primarily Sub-Saharan Africa. This focus is evident in Dutch NFS funding, of which more than 40% went to LDCs, putting it in line with the Netherlands’ overall approach to development cooperation.

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