Political context

Sweden has engaged in comprehensive efforts to improve its food systems, investing in these issues domestically as well in its ODA initiatives. Sweden's strategies in this field are related to the European CAP and CFP, as well as other relevant EU initiatives such as Green Deal, Farm to Fork, and EU Biodiversity Strategy.

Swedish efforts to build a sustainable food system are aligned with the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on FfD, the Paris Agreement, and the Circular Economy transition in Sweden. Nordic cooperation also plays a role in addressing the issue of nutritious food systems.

How is Sweden’s ODA to NFS evolving?

In 2021, Sweden’s ODA to NFS was US$68 million, representing 21% of Sweden’s agricultural ODA. Between 2017 and 2021, Sweden’s ODA funding to NFS has increased by over 370%, starting from US$14 million to US$67 million. This highlights the heightened interest that Sweden has in the issue area of NFS. Sweden's domestic investments in sustainable food systems are expected to remain unchanged, as this issue continues to be a priority for the country's new right-wing government.

Future projections for the issue of nutritious food systems in Sweden depend on multiple factors, including overall ODA levels in the country.

How does Sweden allocate NFS ODA?

The top regions receiving Sweden’s ODA to NFS are Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean & Central America, and Far-East Asia. All of Sweden’s NFS ODA was in the form of grants.

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