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European Council adopts strategic agenda for 2024-2029

June 27, 2024 | EUI, Education, Climate | Share this update

On June 27, 2024, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, which emphasized the EU's commitment to peace, cooperation, and economic prosperity amid a reshaping of the global political landscape marked by strategic competition and instability, was adopted by the European Council.

The EU outlined the following priorities:

  • Bolster Europe’s economic competitiveness, including deepening the Single Market in strategic sectors like energy, finance, and telecommunications;
  • Strengthen security and defense capabilities within the EU;
  • Reinforce EU sovereignty and unity to address strategic competition, climate change, technological advancements, and global instability;
  • Strengthen external influence by supporting Ukraine in defending its sovereignty, promoting stability in its neighborhood and beyond, fostering strategic partnerships, and coordinating internal and external policies to address global challenges effectively;
  • Uphold human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, and human rights, while safeguarding the rule of law and enhancing democratic resilience;
  • Invest in defense readiness, supporting Ukraine, combating crime, and addressing cyber threats, while enhancing cooperation with NATO and other partners;
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the Schengen area, addressing irregular migration, and promoting legal pathways;
  • Support the international legal order, promoting peace, democracy, and sustainable development, and reforming the multilateral system;
  • Boost economic growth, supporting social welfare systems, investing in skills and education, and reducing disparities across the EU; and
  • Pursue a merit-based approach to EU enlargement, supporting aspiring members, and undertaking necessary internal reforms.
Web Page - European CouncilEuropean Council

USAID announces US$66 million to Zambia to strengthen food security

June 27, 2024 | US, Agriculture, Climate | Share this update

On June 27, 2024, USAID announced US$66 million to Zambia, which is designated by the US as a Feed the Future accelerator county, to mitigate worsening drought conditions, strengthen food security efforts, and build local resilience.

Zambia's crop loss has reached between 60-95% due to drought conditions, increasing food prices by 83%. USAID is providing emergency assistance to address the urgent nutritional crisis, as well as help farmers in Zambia strengthen longer-term resilience.

The US and Zambia are working together to help implement the Feed the Future program, including through implementation of the Feed the Future Accelerator effort.

Press release - USAID

Canada hosts 54th Annual Meeting of Board of Governors of Caribbean Development Bank, announces US$8 million for Caribbean region

June 20, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Gender Equality, Global Health | Share this update

From June 17 to 20, 2024, Canada hosted the 54th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the CDB and announced more than CAD11 million (US$8 million) in funding for economic development in the Caribbean.

The funding included:

  • CAD5 million (US$4 million) to the Inter-American Development Bank for the Compete Caribbean+ project to enhance private sector productivity and foster regional economic growth;
  • CAD4 million (US$3 million) to the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica for the Jamaica Urban Solutions for the Environment project to increase climate resilience through gender-responsive and nature-based solutions for urban areas vulnerable to climate hazards; and
  • CAD2 million (US$1 million) in top-ups to UNFPA for the program EQUAL SRHR to improve the protection of women and girls in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, including those who are Venezuelan migrants, by advancing SRHR and protection from GBV.
Press release - Global Affairs Canada

Lowy Institute’s latest 'Aid Map' shows reduction in total ODA flows to Southeast Asia

June 17, 2024 | Australia, Climate, Global Health | Share this update

On June 17, 2024, the second edition of the Australian Lowy Institute's 'aid map' documents showed overall ODA flows to Southeast Asia from all sources declined to US$26 billion in 2022, following a reduction in COVID-19 related support.

Some traditional donors, including Australia, showed a small decline in ODA transfers. Substantial reductions appeared in flows from China and the ADB.

Southeast Asia also saw a significant decline in climate-oriented development finance. Lowy indicated that climate finance had declined by 15% over the previous year.

The map covered financial flows by 107 development partners to 120,000 projects.

Report - Lowy Institute

Canada announces over US$3.6 billion for Ukraine recovery

June 16, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 13 and 16, 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced CAD5 billion (US$3.6 billion) and CAD52 million (US$38 million) at the G7 Summit and the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, respectively, in support of Ukraine.

The CAD5 billion (US$3.6 billion) contribution will contribute to the G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans for Ukraine. Through the initiative, G7 countries intend to bring forward the revenues from frozen Russian sovereign assets, providing Ukraine with approximately CAD69 billion (US$50 billion).

The CAD52 million (US$38 million) contribution was allocated in support of Ukraine’s recovery and rebuilding efforts. This included:

  • CAD20 million (US$15 million) to support Ukraine’s urgent efforts to replace damaged energy equipment and infrastructure; and
  • CAD15 million (US$11 million) for civilian services, including:
    • Supporting vulnerable children and youth, and the reintegration of displaced children returning to Ukraine through children protective services;
    • Improving access to justice for survivors of war crimes;
    • Increasing families’ and civil society’s awareness about the missing persons process; and
    • Supporting male survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, including prisoners of war.
  • CAD15 million (US$11 million) to help Ukraine's recovery, including:
    • Supporting the IMF to help Ukraine acquire the technical assistance and training needed for economic reforms and eventual accession to the EU;
    • Improving Ukraine’s capacity to safely clear mines and other remnants of war; and
    • Providing Ukraine’s government with technical assistance from Government of Canada experts in the justice and energy sectors.
Press release - Prime Minister of CanadaPress release - Prime Minister of Canada

Canada announces US$501 million for global agriculture, climate, gender equality at G7 Summit

June 14, 2024 | Canada, UK, Agriculture, Nutritious Food Systems, Climate, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 14, 2024, the second day of the G7 Summit, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced nearly CAD687 million (US$501 million) to strengthen sustainable agricultural, climate resiliency, and foster gender equality in low- and middle-income countries.

Within the funding was CAD200 million (US$146 million) to IFAD, including:

  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) to reduce poverty and food insecurity while strengthening climate resilience, with a focus on poor, vulnerable, and rural communities; and
  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) as a repayable contribution to IFAD’s Private Sector Financing Programme to support investments in the agricultural sector in low- and middle-income countries, especially in the Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.

Canada also announced new funding for the Indo-Pacific region, which is home to the largest number of climate-vulnerable people in the world. Funding included:

  • CAD360 million (US$262 million) in repayable contributions to the ADB to establish the Canadian Climate and Nature Fund for the Private Sector in Asia to mobilize private capital toward inclusive climate change mitigation and adaptation projects; and
  • CAD7 million (US$5 million) through the IDRC to build on Canada’s existing partnership with the UK to expand the IDRC’s AI for Development program for responsible AI innovation and capacity building in the Indo-Pacific.

Lastly, Canada announced new funding to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ people, including:

  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) in the International Finance Corporation’s Facility for Gender Equality, Resilience, Opportunity, and Inclusion Worldwide, which is expected to mobilize an estimated CAD470 million (US$342 million) in private capital for investments that empower women and promote gender inclusion; and
  • CAD20 million (US$15 million) to TradeMark Africa and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation to help eliminate the gender-based barriers that prevent women from fully participating in opportunities afforded by the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Press release - Prime Minister of CanadaPress release - International Development Research Centre

Netherlands announce new cabinet, three new ministries

June 13, 2024 | Netherlands, Agriculture, Climate, Global Health, Gender Equality, Education | Share this update

On June 13, 2024, the Netherlands announced the distribution of its cabinet posts, including the creation of three new ministries: Asylum and Migration, Housing and Spatial Planning, and Climate and Green Growth.

The Dutch government also renamed the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security, and Nature. The Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation will become the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Assistance. These changes are meant to mirror the new government’s priorities.

The PVV was allocated five ministers, the VVD and NSC four, and the BBB two. Designated Prime Minister Dick Schoof does not represent any party.

Ministerial appointments with relevance to development included:

  • Minister of Climate and Green Growth: Sophie Hermans ( VVD);
  • Minister of Finance: Eelco Heinen ( VVD);
  • Minister of Economic Affairs: Dirk Beljaarts ( PVV);
  • Minister of Agriculture: Femke Wiersma ( BBB);
  • Minister of Education: Eppo Bruins ( NSC, CU);
  • Minister of Asylum and Migration: Marjolein Faber ( PVV);
  • Minister of Health: Fleur Agema ( PVV);
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Caspar Veldkamp ( NSC); and
  • Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Assistance: Reinette Klever ( PVV).

The PVV’s Ministers for Foreign Trade and Development Assistance Reinette Klever and Asylum and Migration Marjolein Faber sparked controversy due to past statements regarding omvolking, or the ‘replacement theory’. Faber and Klever distanced themselves from past use of the term but reiterated concerns about demographic change.

Candidate ministers and secretaries will present themselves in public hearings to the House of Representatives. The new cabinet is expected to be sworn in on July 2, 2024.

News article - NOS (in Dutch)News article - NOS (in Dutch)News article - Parool (in Dutch)News article - House of Representatives (in Dutch)

UK announces US$152 million for climate initiatives at G7 Summit

June 13, 2024 | UK, Climate | Share this update

On June 13, 2024, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, while attending the G7 Leaders’ Summit, announced a total of US$152 million in funding across a suite of climate initiatives.

GBP57 million (US$68 million) is slated for the UK’s Climate Compatible Growth Programme. The program helps to build climate-resilient infrastructure across Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia with expert UK support.

GBP35 million (US$42 million) was announced for the Alliance for Green Infrastructure in Africa, which aims to catalyze greater finance for sustainable infrastructure.

The UK is partnering with the World Bank and the EU to support African regional electricity, providing GBP15 million (US$18 million) to the Zambian side of a Zambia-Tanzania Interconnector that will link the Southern and East African Power Pools.

Finally, Sunak announced a GBP20 million (US$24 million) expansion for the Asia component of the joint donor AI for Development program.

Press release - UK government

Norway commits five-year funding to CSOs for food security in Africa

June 13, 2024 | Norway, Agriculture, Nutritious Food Systems, Climate, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 13, 2024, Norway announced a commitment of NOK1 billion (US$94 million) to support CSOs working to enhance food security in six African countries.

The funding aims to bolster local food production, preserve local seeds, and increase yields for smallholder farmers, particularly in regions vulnerable to food insecurity. Norway’s initiative emphasizes gender equality, aiming to reduce the food insecurity gap and enhance economic opportunities for women farmers.

Norad received 200 concept notes, from which 12 organizations were invited to submit full proposals. The proposals were assessed by experts and five were awarded support for five years. The selected organizations work in Niger, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Mozambique. The projects were listed as:

  • The Royal Norwegian Society for Development in collaboration with NORCAP: Focus on rice production in Tanzania and cashew farming in Mozambique, received NOK200 million (US$19 million);
  • Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada: Integration of agriculture and aquaculture in Malawi, received NOK170 million (US$16 million);
  • PELUM Uganda: Development and conservation of local seed varieties in Uganda, Malawi, and Niger, received NOK175 million (US$17 million);
  • SNV: Increase production of various crops and enhance farmer income in Tanzania, received NOK200 million (US$19 million); and
  • Stichting IDH: Collaboration with the private sector to boost smallholder production and local food processing in Tanzania and Ethiopia, received NOK255 million (US$24 million).
Press release - Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Canada commits US$1.2 billion for sustainable development, clean energy transition at G7 Summit

June 13, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Nutritious Food Systems, Education, Global Health, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 13, 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participated in a G7 working session on Africa, climate change, and development as well as a side event on the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, where he announced over CAD1.6 billion (US$1.2 billion) to promote sustainable development and inclusive global clean energy transition.

The announced funding included:

  • CAD720 million (US$524 million) over five years for a new concessional finance facility at FinDev Canada to mobilize capital for sustainable development, including from the private sector;
  • CAD510 million (US$371 million) in repayable contributions and technical assistance grants to the Inter-American Development Bank Group to establish the Canadian Net Zero and Climate Resilience Accelerator Fund. The funding is intended incentivize private-sector investments that will help economies in Latin America and the Caribbean become less carbon-intensive, more climate-resilient, and more inclusive;
  • CAD274 million (US$200 million) to purchase hybrid capital from the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This is slated to enable up to CAD1.8 billion (US$1.3 billion) in additional lending to low- and middle-income countries to improve education and health to reduce food insecurity and carbon footprints;
  • CAD120 million (US$87 million) in sovereign loans and a CAD7 million (US$5 million) technical assistance grant to South Africa in support of its Just Energy Transition Partnership to transition to secure and affordable clean energy while addressing economic inclusion gaps; and
  • CAD45 million (US$33 million) in repayable loans to the Private Infrastructure Development Group to expand financing options for sustainable and gender-inclusive infrastructure in Africa and Asia.
Press release - Prime Minister of Canada






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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