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Canada hosts 54th Annual Meeting of Board of Governors of Caribbean Development Bank, announces US$8 million for Caribbean region

June 20, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Gender Equality, Global Health | Share this update

From June 17 to 20, 2024, Canada hosted the 54th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the CDB and announced more than CAD11 million (US$8 million) in funding for economic development in the Caribbean.

The funding included:

  • CAD5 million (US$4 million) to the Inter-American Development Bank for the Compete Caribbean+ project to enhance private sector productivity and foster regional economic growth;
  • CAD4 million (US$3 million) to the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica for the Jamaica Urban Solutions for the Environment project to increase climate resilience through gender-responsive and nature-based solutions for urban areas vulnerable to climate hazards; and
  • CAD2 million (US$1 million) in top-ups to UNFPA for the program EQUAL SRHR to improve the protection of women and girls in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, including those who are Venezuelan migrants, by advancing SRHR and protection from GBV.
Press release - Global Affairs Canada

Canada announces over US$3.6 billion for Ukraine recovery

June 16, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 13 and 16, 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced CAD5 billion (US$3.6 billion) and CAD52 million (US$38 million) at the G7 Summit and the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, respectively, in support of Ukraine.

The CAD5 billion (US$3.6 billion) contribution will contribute to the G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans for Ukraine. Through the initiative, G7 countries intend to bring forward the revenues from frozen Russian sovereign assets, providing Ukraine with approximately CAD69 billion (US$50 billion).

The CAD52 million (US$38 million) contribution was allocated in support of Ukraine’s recovery and rebuilding efforts. This included:

  • CAD20 million (US$15 million) to support Ukraine’s urgent efforts to replace damaged energy equipment and infrastructure; and
  • CAD15 million (US$11 million) for civilian services, including:
    • Supporting vulnerable children and youth, and the reintegration of displaced children returning to Ukraine through children protective services;
    • Improving access to justice for survivors of war crimes;
    • Increasing families’ and civil society’s awareness about the missing persons process; and
    • Supporting male survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, including prisoners of war.
  • CAD15 million (US$11 million) to help Ukraine's recovery, including:
    • Supporting the IMF to help Ukraine acquire the technical assistance and training needed for economic reforms and eventual accession to the EU;
    • Improving Ukraine’s capacity to safely clear mines and other remnants of war; and
    • Providing Ukraine’s government with technical assistance from Government of Canada experts in the justice and energy sectors.
Press release - Prime Minister of CanadaPress release - Prime Minister of Canada

Canada announces US$501 million for global agriculture, climate, gender equality at G7 Summit

June 14, 2024 | Canada, UK, Agriculture, Nutritious Food Systems, Climate, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 14, 2024, the second day of the G7 Summit, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced nearly CAD687 million (US$501 million) to strengthen sustainable agricultural, climate resiliency, and foster gender equality in low- and middle-income countries.

Within the funding was CAD200 million (US$146 million) to IFAD, including:

  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) to reduce poverty and food insecurity while strengthening climate resilience, with a focus on poor, vulnerable, and rural communities; and
  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) as a repayable contribution to IFAD’s Private Sector Financing Programme to support investments in the agricultural sector in low- and middle-income countries, especially in the Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.

Canada also announced new funding for the Indo-Pacific region, which is home to the largest number of climate-vulnerable people in the world. Funding included:

  • CAD360 million (US$262 million) in repayable contributions to the ADB to establish the Canadian Climate and Nature Fund for the Private Sector in Asia to mobilize private capital toward inclusive climate change mitigation and adaptation projects; and
  • CAD7 million (US$5 million) through the IDRC to build on Canada’s existing partnership with the UK to expand the IDRC’s AI for Development program for responsible AI innovation and capacity building in the Indo-Pacific.

Lastly, Canada announced new funding to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ people, including:

  • CAD100 million (US$73 million) in the International Finance Corporation’s Facility for Gender Equality, Resilience, Opportunity, and Inclusion Worldwide, which is expected to mobilize an estimated CAD470 million (US$342 million) in private capital for investments that empower women and promote gender inclusion; and
  • CAD20 million (US$15 million) to TradeMark Africa and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation to help eliminate the gender-based barriers that prevent women from fully participating in opportunities afforded by the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Press release - Prime Minister of CanadaPress release - International Development Research Centre

Canada commits US$1.2 billion for sustainable development, clean energy transition at G7 Summit

June 13, 2024 | Canada, Climate, Nutritious Food Systems, Education, Global Health, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 13, 2024, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participated in a G7 working session on Africa, climate change, and development as well as a side event on the G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, where he announced over CAD1.6 billion (US$1.2 billion) to promote sustainable development and inclusive global clean energy transition.

The announced funding included:

  • CAD720 million (US$524 million) over five years for a new concessional finance facility at FinDev Canada to mobilize capital for sustainable development, including from the private sector;
  • CAD510 million (US$371 million) in repayable contributions and technical assistance grants to the Inter-American Development Bank Group to establish the Canadian Net Zero and Climate Resilience Accelerator Fund. The funding is intended incentivize private-sector investments that will help economies in Latin America and the Caribbean become less carbon-intensive, more climate-resilient, and more inclusive;
  • CAD274 million (US$200 million) to purchase hybrid capital from the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This is slated to enable up to CAD1.8 billion (US$1.3 billion) in additional lending to low- and middle-income countries to improve education and health to reduce food insecurity and carbon footprints;
  • CAD120 million (US$87 million) in sovereign loans and a CAD7 million (US$5 million) technical assistance grant to South Africa in support of its Just Energy Transition Partnership to transition to secure and affordable clean energy while addressing economic inclusion gaps; and
  • CAD45 million (US$33 million) in repayable loans to the Private Infrastructure Development Group to expand financing options for sustainable and gender-inclusive infrastructure in Africa and Asia.
Press release - Prime Minister of Canada

Canada announces US$17 million to advance climate resilience through aquaculture

June 7, 2024 | Canada, Agriculture, Nutritious Food Systems, Climate, Agricultural R&D | Share this update

On June 7, 2024, Canada’s IDRC announced CAD23 million (US$17 million) to support inclusive and sustainable aquaculture food systems to address climate change and food insecurity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region.

The IDRC partnered with the Canadian government to launch AQUADAPT, a four-year project to improve small-scale aquaculture’s climate productivity and sustainability. The partnership aims to develop nature-based solutions to sustainably manage aquatic ecosystems and support robust nutritious systems, quality jobs, and resilient food production in a changing climate. AQUADAPT will include 11 research alliances and 35 institutions across Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Press release - IDRC

Think tank urges Canada to develop strategic partnership approach to African continent

June 5, 2024 | Canada, Climate | Share this update

On June 5, 2024, the IRPP urged Canada to go beyond humanitarian gestures and develop a new, comprehensive strategy to approach relations with African countries as a strategic partnership, given the brimming economic opportunity on the continent.

The think tank advocated for Canada to swiftly implement a comprehensive strategy that sets new diplomatic and economic priorities with the continent. It criticized Canada for announcing CAD900 million (US$654 million) for humanitarian assistance in Budget 2024, but no funding for the CA-ECS, announced in 2022. The IRPP noted that the lack of commitment reinforces the narrative that the African continent is solely dependent on humanitarian assistance, rather than seen as a valued collaborator in Canada’s international strategic vision.

The IRPP highlighted a trillion-dollar economic opportunity for Canada if it approaches the continent as a dynamic partner. It asserted that while Canada should continue to take action and invest in urgent humanitarian needs, it must also invest further in Africa’s development initiatives to address climate change and support economic development and human rights.

The IRPP concluded with the recommendation that Canada support advancements in long-term governance, infrastructure development, and debt restructuring, as well as tap into Africa’s burgeoning start-up ecosystem and emerging digital economy to foster sustainable development across multiple sectors.

Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP)

Think tank urges Canada to invest in sustainable agriculture, climate initiatives in Vietnam

May 29, 2024 | Canada, Agriculture, Climate, Agricultural R&D | Share this update

On May 29, 2024, the IRPP urged Canada to pivot its Indo-Pacific Strategy to focus on strengthening relationships with Vietnam to support efforts in sustainable climate, agriculture, and water management.

Canada’s CAD2.3 billion (US$1.7 billion) Indo-Pacific investment, introduced in November 2022, focuses on economic security, for which Vietnam is regarded as a regional success story. Vietnam is the second-fastest growing economy in Asia, but faces ongoing challenges including water shortages, unsustainable development practices, and climate change.

Given Canada’s expertise in agri-tech, clean technology innovation, and freshwater management, the IRPP encouraged the Canadian government to use its strengths to be a more active and reliable partner to Vietnam. It urged Canada to invest in Vietnam’s water sector, which needs up to US$2.7 billion to reach its ambitious target of building a clean and resilient water supply by 2050. The IRPP also proposed use of Canadian agri-tech expertise to support low-carbon agricultural practices and help farmers adapt to climate change.

Institute for Research on Public Policy

G7 finance ministers call on donors to coordinate efforts, increase investments

May 25, 2024 | UK, France, Canada, Japan, US, Italy, Germany, EUI, Global Health, Climate, Education, Agriculture, Gender Equality, Nutritious Food Systems | Share this update

On May 23-25, 2024, the G7 Ministers of Finance met at a summit in Stresa, Italy, where the ministers voiced support for contributions to the IDA, WHO, Gavi, and the Global Fund in the resulting communiqué.

The G7 ministers supported efforts towards a successful 21st replenishment of the IDA by the end of 2024 through an ambitious policy and financing package. Notably, they did not give a concrete signal that the critical US$100 billion threshold requested by the World Bank will be crossed, nor any indication of the US$120 billion expected by African leaders.

The ministers reaffirmed their dedication to strengthening the governance and finance of the global health architecture and voiced support for refinancing processes of several GHIs, such as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the WHO, and the Global Fund, and expressed support for the Pandemic Fund. The communiqué called on the donor community to coordinate efforts and increase investments in global health in line with their capacities to ensure sustainable funding and maximize the impact of available resources.

Following the summit, the C7 pointed out the G7's lack of ambition and financial commitment to international development, including climate adaptation. International civil society organizations criticized the lack of any reference to allocating SDRs to global solidarity.

G7 Ministers of FinanceC7 statement

Canada announces US$11 million for biodiversity in Latin America, Caribbean

May 22, 2024 | Canada, Climate | Share this update

On May 22, 2024, Canadian Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen announced CAD15 million (US$11 million) in funding over 3 years to Birds Canada’s Conserva Aves initiative to support biodiversity and healthy ecosystems in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and Peru.

The funding seeks to address the increasing regional threats to biodiversity and disruptions to natural systems. The Conserva Aves initiative will help local communities, particularly women, Indigenous people, and people of African heritage to conserve more than 2 million hectares of land spanning a variety of biodiverse ecosystems in 100 key areas across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Press release - Global Affairs Canada

Think tank urges Canada to consult workers in LMICs affected by sustainability standards

May 22, 2024 | Canada, Agriculture, Nutritious Food Systems, Agricultural R&D, Climate | Share this update

On May 22, 2024, Canada’s IRPP released a field study on the impact of developing legislative solutions to address pressing human rights and climate change issues in global supply chains, without consulting affected local producers and workers in LMICs and reported strong sentiments against exclusionary policy practice

The study showed that those most affected are given limited input in developing new laws and standards by donor countries, which also creates trade barriers. In many cases, local producers uphold strict sustainability standards and have multiple certifications, but do not feel they have been adequately consulted in donor countries’ development of the conditions and regulations they face, which hinders production and local economic growth.

The IRPP called on Canada to be a leader in addressing concerns raised by LMIC producers and showcasing its commitment to ethical standards and responsible global business practices. Specifically, the IRPP asserted that Canada’s child and forced labor act falls short of addressing the evolving challenges in global supply chains.

The think tank made several policy recommendations for Canada, including broadening the scope of current legislation beyond child and slave labor to address a wider array of human rights and environmental issues and allocating a dedicated fund for educational and training programs for producers in LMICs.

Institute for Research on Public Policy






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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