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Australian national re-elected to UN committee on the elimination of discrimination against women

June 8, 2024 | Australia, Gender Equality | Share this update

On June 8, 2024, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong announced that Australian national Natasha Stott Despoja was re-elected to the 23-person UN committee monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Stott Despoja was previously Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls as well as an Australian senator. She was reappointed to the committee in her personal capacity, and will commence her second term on January 1, 2025.

Press release - Australian Foreign Affairs Minister

Australian FY2024/25 ODA budget rises slightly to US$3.2 billion

May 14, 2024 | Australia, Gender Equality, International development, Climate | Share this update

On May 14, 2024, Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the annual Australian budget, which showed the ODA budget rising slightly to AUD5 billion (US$3.2 billion) for FY2024/25.

0.19% ODA/GNI was expected in 2024. Notably, Australia included the grant element of concessional infrastructure loans in the overall ODA figures for the first time.

Within the ODA program, expenditure on the Pacific was expected to rise to almost 40% of the total ODA budget.

AUD144 million (US$93 million) was estimated to be spent on climate and the environment. A new Climate Resilient Communities Fund in the Pacific is slated to receive AUD100 million (US$65 million) over 3 years. Environment spending included AUD200 million (US$129 million) for a Pacific Resilience Facility over 4 years. An Indonesia Environment Partnership will receive AUD200 million (US$129 million) over 4 years.

The gender equality, inclusion, and disability sectors are estimated to receive AUD102 million (US$66 million), including for implementation of expected new strategies for gender equality, LGBTQI+ rights, and disabilities. This also included funds for an Indo-Pacific Gender Equality Fund and a Southeast Asia-based GBV prevention program.

Press release - DFAT

Australia contributes US$317 million to Asian Development Fund, pushes for procurement reforms

May 3, 2024 | Australia, Education, Gender Equality, International development, Climate | Share this update

On May 3, 2024, Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy announced a pledge of AUD492 million (US$317 million) to the Asian Development Funds’ 14th pledging round, covering the period of 2025–2028.

The low-interest financing arm of the ADB focuses on grants to lower-income countries. Conroy emphasized the value of these grants to regional needs such as climate resilient hospitals and education facilities, as well is improving the systems that run them.

Conroy indicated Australia had worked with representatives from Kiribati and the Cook Islands to ensure that more funding would be received by the Pacific. An increase of over AUD500 million (US$323 million) was expected for the Pacific, compared to the previous replenishment.

Australia has also pursued arrangements to ensure access to finance for people in Afghanistan, Myanmar, and the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh, particularly women and girls. Australia urged the ADB and the World Bank to improve their procurement processes by avoiding approving artificially low-priced, poor-quality projects where higher prices were later demanded during implementation. Conroy encouraged tender processes to focus more strongly on quality and value for money and expressed concerned that low bid prices were discouraging a broader range of bidders from seeking work, particularly in the Pacific countries.

Australia is the second-largest contributor to the fund, behind Japan.

Press release - Minister for International Development and the PacificNews article - The Guardian

DFAT issues good practice guidelines for gender equality in overseas development investments

March 26, 2024 | Australia, Gender Equality | Share this update

On March 26, 2024, DFAT listed guidance on good practice in assessing the gender equality outcome of activities, including the guideline that all Australian development assistance investments over AUD3 million (US$2 million) have to include a statement of gender equality outcome.

The guidelines use the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee's gender equality policy marker to determine if the investment targets gender equality as a significant or primary objective. Guidance also covered gender mainstreaming, climate change, and disability implications.

The guidelines also included recommendations for drafting and designing for better outcomes from projects in gender equality.

Government document - DFAT

South Korea, Australia renew development cooperation MOU

March 5, 2024 | Australia, South Korea, Gender Equality, Climate | Share this update

On March 5, 2024, South Korea and Australia renewed their MOU on development cooperation since its first signing in 2019.

The renewed MOU outlined an institutional framework for cooperation on new bilateral development cooperation policies, cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region and sectors (gender equality, climate change, humanitarian assistance, etc.), and strengthening of cooperation mechanisms. In particular, the document set out guidelines for Director General level-biennial meetings of Development Cooperation Policy Council.

The updated agreement is expected to further strengthen cooperation between South Korea and Australia to contribute to the stability of the Indo-Pacific region.

Press release - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Korean)News article - Sisamirae (in Korean)

Papua New Guinean and Australian Prime Ministers hold dialogue on ODA

February 8, 2024 | Australia, Agriculture, Gender Equality, Climate, Education | Share this update

On February 8, 2024, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea James Marape visited Australia for the 5th Papua New Guinea – Australia Annual Leaders’ Dialogue to meet with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and discuss, amongst other topics, ODA issues.

Papua New Guinea is the largest recipient of Australian ODA. The two prime ministers discussed Papua New Guinea’s budget repair plans and fiscal situation, with Marape welcoming budget support from Australia to assist with budget shortfalls. Marape also addressed Australia’s parliament during his visit.

They noted the importance of continued support for agriculture to improve supply and quality, especially to provide continued support for women. Marape and Albanese also discussed Australia’s assistance to Papua New Guinea’s national road network and 30-year master plan for port rehabilitation.

The leaders pledged to act in response to Papua New Guinea’s need for more reliable green energy. Australia has provided US$150 million to upgrade and repair major energy assets, including refurbishing the Ramu 1 hydroelectric power station.

Marape also noted Australia’s assistance in completing new solar farms in Bougainville and West Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Separately, small energy projects in Papua New Guinea are being funded by Australia through the Pacific Climate Infrastructure Financing Partnership. Australian ODA has also been provided to improve education and support health services aimed at tuberculosis and malaria, as well as MNCH.

Press release - Prime Minister of Australia

Australian and New Zealand Foreign Ministers reaffirm commitment to the Pacific’s focus on climate change, gender equity

February 1, 2024 | Australia, Gender Equality, Climate | Share this update

On February 1, 2024, New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters and Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, met in Sydney to discuss partnering in the Pacific.

The two ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the Pacific Islands Forum as the key regional architecture for the Pacific. They would support the Pacific’s advocacy in multilateral fora for Pacific interests.

Pacific Forum leaders had established that climate change was the single greatest threat to the Pacific, including people’s livelihoods, well-being, and security.

The ministers agreed on the need to appropriately support the Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration. They also committed to work together to ensure the viability across the Pacific of retail banking for investment, remittance flows, and regional trade.

Their joint statement noted that Samoa was to host the October 2024 CHOGM, making this the first occasion that the CHOGM had been hosted by a Pacific country.

Press release - Minister for Foreign Affairs

First sessions announced for 2024 World Health Summit Regional Meeting

January 17, 2024 | Australia, Gender Equality, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Family Planning, Global Health, Nutrition | Share this update

On January 17, 2024, the first sessions for the upcoming WHS Regional meeting were announced, including sessions on climate change, First People’s health, accelerating net-zero healthcare, fighting cervical cancer, and preventing violence against women in the Pacific.

The Regional Meeting is slated to focus on shaping the future of health across the Pacific and Asia. The meeting will run from April 22-24, 2024, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

In addition to senior health academics, the meeting will be addressed by Australian Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearney and former New Zealand Prime Minister and former UNDP Administrator Helen Clark.

World Health Summit Melbourne

Australian gender equality program assessed, lack of intersectionality criticized

December 19, 2023 | Australia, Gender Equality | Share this update

On December 19, 2023, Head of the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University Sonia Palmieri wrote a criticism noting existing issues with Australian gender projects.

Palmieri recommended reducing compartmentalization of gender equality programming. Programs should be intersected with partner programs countering violence against women and to developing women’s roles in leadership and decision-making.

Palmieri also noted that women’s engagement in the programs could also be increased by adopting a broader definition of leadership beyond political positions and focusing on discourse and social networking in program design.

Separately, Terence Wood of the Development Policy Centre, Canberra, undertook a qualitative review of outcomes from Australia’s gender-focused assistance projects.

Wood concluded that gender-focused projects achieved outcomes beneficial to women, as expected. Australia has prioritized gender issues for the past 15 years.

A smaller percentage of Australian assistance projects had a gender focus in the Pacific than in other parts of the world. Wood noted surprise at this outcome, given that challenging gender-focused issues in the Pacific had been regularly documented in previous ODA projects.

Wood expressed concern about the fact that Australian assistance projects were less likely to have a focus on gender equality where the empowerment of women was lower, although he caveated the results of the study with acknowledging his use of proxy measures.

Web Page - Development Policy Centre (Palmieri)Report - Development Policy Centre (Wood)

Australia commits to support reproductive rights and health in Pacific

November 22, 2023 | Australia, Family Planning, Gender Equality | Share this update

On November 22, 2023, Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy announced AUD37 million (US$24 million) to enable a second phase of UNFPA's Transformative Agenda for Women, Youths, and Adolescents program.

The funding is slated to cooperate with nine Pacific governments over five years to improve regional SRHR services. Australia has previously funded existing programs to assist UNFPA suppliers and International Planned Parenthood Federation activities.

Press release - Minister for International Development and the Pacific






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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