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Sweden bolsters humanitarian assistance to Gaza with additional US$11 million

May 17, 2024 | Sweden, Nutrition, Education, Gender Equality, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Climate, International development | Share this update

On May 17, 2024, the Swedish Government introduced a significant aid package totaling SEK120 million (approximately US$11 million) directed towards UNICEF, UNFPA, and WFP to help alleviate the pressing needs of the Gazan population.

Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell emphasized the gravity of the situation, highlighting the severity of the crisis and Sweden's role as one of the largest donors of humanitarian assistance to the crisis in Gaza. He noted that Sweden is further increasing the humanitarian support with a focus on addressing hunger and protecting women and children, and advocated for greater humanitarian access and the release of hostages.

This latest initiative brings Sweden’s total humanitarian contributions to Gaza to over SEK520 million (US$49 million), reinforcing its role as a major supporter of humanitarian efforts in the region. The most recent funds are slated to be allocated as:

  • UNICEF: SEK20 million (US$2 million) to support children's needs, counter malnutrition, and provide access to clean water and healthcare. Additionally, UNICEF will focus on education, psychosocial support, and financial assistance for families;
  • UNFPA: SEK20 million (US$1.9 million) to maintain SRH services, including maternity and neonatal care. Efforts will also target the prevention of SGBV and support for survivors; and
  • WFP: SEK80 million (US$8 million), with SEK29 million (US$3 million) specifically for Gaza and SEK51 million (US$5 million) as core support. This wil help ensure food and nutritional assistance reaches those facing imminent famine in northern Gaza and improve logistics of assistance delivery.
Press release - Press Release - Government of Sweden

Sweden contributes US$11 million to WFP

April 2, 2024 | Sweden, Nutrition, Gender Equality, Agricultural R&D, Nutritious Food Systems | Share this update

On April 2, 2024, Sweden earmarked SEK120 million (US$11 million) to assistance in Gaza, Sudan, and Ukraine via the WFP, expressing deep concern over looming famine threats in these regions.

Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Johan Forssell emphasized the significance of WFP's role in saving lives. The grant, announced during WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain's recent visit to Stockholm, underscored Sweden's commitment to combating hunger and supporting emergency operations. The contribution is part of Sweden's broader assistance to the WFP for 2024, totaling approximately SEK1.3 billion (US$121 million).

Press release - Press Release - Government of Sweden

Sweden ends ODA agreements with 20 CSOs

March 27, 2024 | Sweden, Nutrition, Education, Agriculture, Gender Equality, Agricultural R&D, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Family Planning, WASH & Sanitation, International development, Climate, Global Health | Share this update

On March 27, 2024, Sida announced the cessation of its agreements with about 20 CSOs by the end of 2024.

The move is part of a broader shift towards a new ODA distribution model emphasizing a more open and competitive application process, slated to commence on January 1, 2025. This restructuring was a direct response to governmental mandates aiming to enhance the efficiency and reach of Swedish development assistance.

The abrupt end to these longstanding partnerships sparked a wave of concern and criticism among the affected organizations and their global partners. With a current budget of SEK1.8 billion (US$15 million), these strategic partnerships were a cornerstone of Sweden's development assistance, extending support to nearly 2,000 organizations worldwide. The collaborations spanned a diverse array of sectors, including labor unions, faith-based groups, environmental advocates, and human rights organizations, primarily targeting support in low- and middle-income nations.

Critics, including CONCORD Sweden, argued that the sudden shift jeopardizes the sustainability of critical development projects and undermines the implementation of ongoing initiatives. This, according to critics, not only threatens the continuity of vital programs but also risks the effective use of Swedish taxpayer contributions to global development.

News article - Article - CONCORD Sweden (in Swedish)

Sweden pledges US$28 million to bolster Moldova's energy infrastructure

October 17, 2023 | Sweden, Gender Equality, Climate | Share this update

On October 17, 2023, Sweden committed EUR26 million (US$28 million) to strengthen Moldova's energy provisions, aiming to safeguard Moldova’s most vulnerable households during the winter and invest in the country's long-term energy infrastructure and efficiency.

Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell noted the severe impact of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Moldova's infrastructure and stability.

EUR17 million (US$18 million) of the funding is earmarked for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to augment its initiatives in Moldova. The remaining EUR9 million (US$10 million) will be allocated to an energy fund set up by Moldova and the UNDP to assist high-risk households during the winter.

Sweden has maintained a strong history of support to Moldova as one of its primary bilateral development assistance donors. Sweden has previously provided close to EUR17 million (US$18 million) in 2023 for ongoing reform initiatives in Moldova as part of Moldova's growing alignment with the EU. The initiatives aimed to prioritize democracy, human rights, gender equality, peaceful development, market economic progression, and ecological and climate sustainability.

Press release - Press Release - Government of Sweden

Sweden outlines development priorities

September 26, 2023 | Sweden, Gender Equality, Climate | Share this update

On September 23, 2023, Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström presented Sweden's development priority statement at the 78th UN General Assembly.

In a speech predominantly centered on Ukraine, Billström emphasized Russia's tactics of weaponizing food, exacerbating the global food crisis. He pointed out Russia's recent imposition of its blockade against grain shipments across the Black Sea, which is restricting food supplies to many, including some of the world's most vulnerable populations.

Sweden underscored the need for the UN to persistently seek enhanced effectiveness and efficiency, particularly at the national level. Billström called for development assistance to work synergistically with trade, private investment, improved access to capital, and domestic resource mobilization.

Billström highlighted the pivotal role of MDBs in achieving the SDGs. He asserted that MDBs are instrumental in innovating financing methods and mobilizing substantial finances, including private capital and domestic resources. Sweden supported the modification of the MDB business model to address global challenges more effectively, ensuring that poverty reduction and climate change remain central to their mission.

Billström also highlighted the urgent need to mobilize climate finance from both public and private sectors, and to amplify support for local resilience and climate adaptation. Sweden pledged its continued commitment to adaptation and urged other nations to increase their contributions.

Sweden underlined that human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are essential for development. Billström stated that the rights of women and girls, as well as SRHR, are fundamental to development and are foundational for democracy.

Speech - Sweden's National Statement at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Sweden presents 2024 ODA budget

September 20, 2023 | Sweden, Gender Equality, Global Health | Share this update

On September 20, 2023, the Swedish government presented its 2024 budget proposal to Parliament, which showed an approximately SEK56 billion (US$5.5 billion) allocation to ODA.

Additional costs covered by the budget encompass assessed contributions to the EU, MFA management costs, and in-donor refugee costs, which comprise 3% of the total budget with an 8% cap on the use of ODA to cover in-donor refugee costs.

Sweden has exceeded the UN DAC target of 0.7% ODA/GNI since 1975. However, in September 2022, Sweden's then newly-elected right-wing government announced that it was ending the country's commitment to achieve 1% of its ODA/GNI and set ODA at SEK56 billion (US$5.5 billion) annually for 2023-2025, which is projected as approximately 0.88% ODA/GNI.

The budget lacked detailed information on specific allocations, but rather outlined general policy priorities. Sweden's international development cooperation priorities remain the promotion of Agenda 2030; poverty reduction; health initiatives for the most vulnerable; support for democracy aid to human rights defenders and champions of democracy; expanded and streamlined climate assistance; and women’s and girls’ rights and opportunities, including improved SRHR.

The 2024 ODA budget is slated to emphasize counteracting irregular migration, increasing repatriation, and contributing effectively to voluntary returns, as well as addressing the root causes of migration.

Synergy between Sweden’s global trade, export promotion, climate, foreign, and ODA policies was another priority. Sweden named a single minister responsible for both development assistance and foreign trade. The government also emphasized the importance of promoting ODA effectiveness metrics in development cooperation.

Ukraine remained Sweden’s main ODA recipient and priority, dedicating SEK6 billion (US$540 million) to Ukraine from 2023 to 2027. The Swedish government adopted a reconstruction and reform cooperation strategy with Ukraine on July 17, 2023, which included humanitarian assistance, financial backing, reconstruction initiatives, and support for civil crisis response capabilities.

Global health remained a priority in the 2024 budget, with particular emphasis on the creation of societal conditions for good and equitable health for the most vulnerable. There was further emphasis on promoting health systems that are effective, sustainable, and resilient. Another area of focus included SRHR and improved preparedness and capacity to detect and manage outbreaks of pandemics, diseases, and other health threats. The budget emphasized that Sweden will continue its efforts to increase global vaccination coverage, including against COVID-19.

According to OECD data, Sweden’s total ODA to health in 2020 was US$594 million, making it the 9th-largest DAC donor in absolute terms. Sweden’s multilateral ODA to health represented 43% of its total health ODA.

Government document - Sweden 2024 Budget (in Swedish)

Sweden releases health, SRHR development assistance report

August 17, 2023 | Sweden, Gender Equality, Global Health | Share this update

On August 17, 2023, Sweden unveiled its annual report on development assistance in global health and SRHR, which underscored Sweden's goal of promoting global health as one of its foremost development policy priorities.

Sweden's global health ODA totaled SEK6 billion (US$548 million) in 2022. Swedish ODA was allocated to enhance access to essential healthcare services, advance SRHR, and address the health implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation and Trade Johan Forssell emphasized that Sweden considers the protection and advancement of public health to be not just a moral responsibility, but rather an investment driving both global economic advancement and safety. Forssell highlighted the dedication of the Swedish government to global health and SRHR through both its financial contributions and its international advocacy.

Report - Government of Sweden (in Swedish)

Sweden supports World Bank funding pause to Uganda

August 15, 2023 | Sweden, Global Health, Gender Equality | Share this update

On August 15, 2023, Swedish Minister of International Development Cooperation and Trade Johan Forsell expressed support for the World Bank's recent pledge to withhold new funds from Uganda in light of Uganda's new anti-homosexuality law.

Critics have described the law as one of the harshest anti- LGBTQ+ measures in the world. Forsell stated that it was evident that no funding should be given to a state threatening LGBTQ+ individuals with the death penalty.

The minister highlighted that despite Sweden's lack of bilateral development cooperation with Uganda, the country supports a number of CSOs in Uganda, including those promoting LGBTQ+ rights.

Twitter - Twitter (in Swedish)

Sweden announces US$35 million in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine

June 26, 2023 | Sweden, Nutrition, Education, Agriculture, Gender Equality, Climate, Global Health | Share this update

On June 26, 2023, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden unveiled a comprehensive humanitarian and recovery support package for Ukraine.

Valued at SEK380 million (US$35 million), the package aimed to address the pressing needs of the country, with a particular emphasis supporting CSOs.

The destruction caused by the Kakhovka dam's collapse on June 6, 2023, exacerbated the already dire situation in Ukraine. Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Johan Forssell underlined the necessity for aid providers to be prepared to assist civilians in distress. He foregrounded the funding's role in enabling partners to implement short- and long-term measures in the areas of greatest need.

Recognizing the valuable contributions of CSOs, the Swedish Government committed to providing SEK 25 million (US$2 million) to the Ukrainian Red Cross and supporting other organizations with SEK20 million (US$2 million) through Sida.

To address various urgent needs, Sweden also allocated funds to key entities involved in relief work:

  • SEK25 million (US$2 million) was allocated to the International Committee of the Red Cross to provide healthcare, medicines, water, sanitation, and protection in inaccessible regions;
  • SEK50 million (US$5 million) was allocated to the WFP for essential provisions such as food and water; and
  • SEK50 million (US$5 million) was allocated to the UNHCR for shelter, legal advice, and psychosocial support in areas where humanitarian needs are most critical.

Additionally, the Swedish Government extended assistance for demining, flood response, and managing air traffic control to:

  • The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, which received SEK50 million (US$5 million);
  • UNDP, which received SEK103 million (US$10 million); and
  • EUROCONTROL, which received SEK13 million (US$1 million).

Finally, the government also allocated SEK45 million (US$4 million) to the National Board of Health and Welfare for coordinating and fulfilling requests for medical supplies.

The additional support brought Sweden's total assistance to Ukraine to at SEK1.9 billion (U$S176 million) for humanitarian assistance, SEK750 million (US$70 million) for recovery and further development, and SEK316 million (US$29 million) for reform support since 2022.

Speech - Government of Sweden (in Swedish)Press release - Government of Sweden

Swedish development minister outlines development policy changes

June 6, 2023 | Sweden, Education, Gender Equality, Climate, Global Health | Share this update

In an interview on June 6, 2023, Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell stated the government's ambition to bring increase private sector involvement in development policy.

Forssell emphasized the need for a modern approach to development, where trade and assistance are seen as two sides of the same coin.

Forssell explained that the Swedish government, including the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats, are working to reshape the country's ODA policy to give the business sector a key role. He also noted that the new policy aims to create partnerships that benefit both recipient countries and Sweden by promoting economic development and job creation.

This shift elicited criticism from some CSOs organizations, which accused the government of prioritizing Swedish exports over helping people in partner countries. In contrast, Forssell argued that trade, the market economy, and entrepreneurship are essential for building prosperity and fighting poverty, and that the involvement of the business sector would contribute to this goal.

According to Forssell, the government's new approach includes expanding cooperation between development organizations and businesses, focusing on areas such as green transition and investing in LICs and MICs. At the same time, government plans also reduced the aid budget and abandoned the long-standing goal of allocating 1% of GNI to ODA.

Proposed changes to Sweden's development policy also included replacing the Director-General of Sida to strengthen the agency's expertise in trade and commerce.

News article - Dagens Nyheter (in Swedish)






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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