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US to provide Haiti US$45 million in humanitarian assistance

September 5, 2024 | US, WASH & Sanitation, Global Health | Share this update

On September 5, 2024, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced during his visit to Haiti that the US will provide an additional US$45 million in humanitarian assistance. This brings the total of US assistance to Haiti in 2024 to almost US$211 million.

Haiti is facing widespread criminal gang violence, political unrest, and lack of access to basic healthcare resulting in severe malnutrition and disease.

The assistance includes cash and in-kind assistance for food. The UN and other international partners will also provide WASH support, as well as health and psychosocial services to assist survivors of GBV.

Press release - USAID

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JICA submits budget request for FY2025

September 30, 2024 | Japan | Share this update

On September 30, 2024, JICA submitted its budget request for the 2025 fiscal year, aligned with its vision of Leading the World with Trust and focusing on human security and quality growth.

The budget proposal, based on Japan’s 2024 economic and fiscal policies, includes key priorities such as upholding a free and open international order, advancing international cooperation, promoting economic diplomacy, and enhancing efforts in the information age.

A total of JPY152.1 billion (US$1.1 billion) was requested for JICA operating and facility costs, an increase of JPY4 billion (US$28 million) from the previous year. This includes JPY150.5 billion (US$1 billion) for operating expenses and JPY1.7 billion (US$12 million) for facility maintenance.

JICA also requested JPY2.31 trillion (US$16.1 billion) for loan assistance projects, up by JPY300 billion (US$2.1 billion), to focus on supporting quality growth in low- and middle-income countries and addressing global challenges related to the 2030 Agenda and UN SDGs.

Press release - Japan International Cooperation Agency (in Japanese)

Japan provides US$193 million loan for UHC in Morocco

September 24, 2024 | Japan, Global Health | Share this update

On September 20, 2024, JICA signed a loan agreement with the Government of Morocco to provide an ODA loan worth JPY27.8 billion (US$193 million) aimed at helping Morocco achieve UHC by improving the delivery and quality of maternal and child health services, strengthening nutrition programs, and enhancing health financial protection.

The funds will provide general budget support, directly contributing to Morocco’s efforts to reform and expand its healthcare system, particularly in encouraging informal sector workers to join public health insurance.

The project aligns with two SDGs: zero hunger and good health and well-being. Scheduled for completion by January 2025, JICA’s contribution will also include technical assistance, in collaboration with UN agencies, to ensure successful implementation of the health reforms across Morocco.

This initiative expects to support economic stability and contribute to Morocco’s broader development goals. JICA will work alongside other international institutions that are co-financing the project to ensure comprehensive collaboration on health reform including the World Bank, AfDB, and AFD.

Press release - Japan International Cooperation Agency

Norway extends rainforest preservation initiative to 2035

September 24, 2024 | Norway, Climate | Share this update

On September 24, 2024, the Norwegian government announced an extension of its rainforest preservation initiative until 2035, after Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre emphasized that halting deforestation is crucial to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.

Originally launched in 2008, Norway’s rainforest initiative saw a funding boost of NOK1 billion (US$93 million) in 2024, bringing total allocations for 2024 to over NOK4 billion (US$370 million).

Norway’s rainforest efforts have contributed to the following key global initiatives:

  • Providing access to high-resolution satellite images of all rainforests;
  • Supporting indigenous land rights;
  • Promoting deforestation-free products;
  • Establishing systems for emissions credit trading; and
  • Increasing efforts to combat organized forest crime and raise the profile of rainforest conservation in international negotiations.
Press release - Office of the Prime Minister (in Norwegian)

EC leverages Russian immobilized assets to issue financial assistance for Ukraine

September 24, 2024 | EUI | Share this update

On September 24, 2024, the EC proposed a comprehensive financial assistance package to further support Ukraine’s recovery and resilience by leveraging the financial contributions raised on windfall profits stemming from immobilized Russian Central Bank assets.

A Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism will support the EU and G7 partners in issuing the loans of up to EUR45 billion (US$49 billion) to Ukraine. Additionally, the EC proposed a micro-financial assistance loan of up to EUR35 billion (US$38 billion) to address Ukraine's urgent budgetary needs.

The European Parliament and the Member States must agree on the package before it can enter into force.

Press release - European Commission

French Minister of Foreign Affairs calls for UN reform

September 23, 2024 | France, Climate | Share this update

On September 23, 2024, newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Noël Barrot called for reform of the governance of the UN system at the Summit for the Future.

Barrot emphasized France’s commitment to multilateralism and being in favor of the UN Security Council reform. This included the expansion in categories of members, including promoting greater African presence.

Barrot highlighted the importance of technological expansion for future progress and how digital revolution can serve the SDGs. This will serve as his central priority at the AI Action Summit on February 10, 2025.

Barrot also committed to climate action and emphasized that France, Kazakhstan, and the World Bank are jointly organizing the One Water Summit in 2024.

France promoted a joint initiative with Mexico to regulate the use of vetoes in the event of mass atrocities, an initiative supported by 106 States.

Press release - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Norweigan partnership to provide electricity to 300 million by 2030

September 23, 2024 | Norway, Climate | Share this update

On September 23, 2024, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre led a meeting of the GEAPP focused on a new partnership aimed at providing electricity to 300 million people in Africa by 2030.

Støre and president of the Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Rajiv Shah lead GEAPP, an alliance that is mobilizing both private and public funding for renewable energy projects in low income countries.

During the meeting, World Bank President Ajay Banga and AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina introduced Mission 300, a partnership that aims to provide electricity access to 300 million Africans within six years. This project seeks to halve the number of people in Africa without electricity, creating jobs and delivering significant benefits to healthcare and education.

Norway is supporting renewable energy investments in low-income countries through various initiatives. Norfund is a major investor in renewable energy in Africa, with a portfolio of approximately US$675 million. Additionally, a new state-backed guarantee scheme for renewable energy investments in low-income countries is being established.

Press release - The Office of the Prime Minister (in Norwegian)

MDBs launch health impact investment platform

September 23, 2024 | EUI, Global Health | Share this update

On September 23, 2024, the WHO, EIB, and other MDBs launched the Health Impact Investment Platform to strengthen PHC in LMICs by unlocking US$1.5 billion in loans and grants to improve PHC services, starting with health investment plans in 15 countries.

The initiative announced at the UN Summit of the Future aims to enhance health system resilience, pandemic preparedness, and expand access to primary care services in underserved communities. The effort builds on the cooperation established during the COVID-19 pandemic and seeks to create sustainable health financing mechanisms in vulnerable regions.

The WHO and the EIB signed an initial EUR10 million (US$11 million) contribution to launch investment plans, with additional funds expected from the IDB and the AfDB.

Press release - DG INTPA

Italian Prime Minister to receive The Atlantic Council Global Citizen Award

September 23, 2024 | US, Italy | Share this update

On September 23, 2024, on the margins of the UNGA, it was announced that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will receive the Atlantic Council Global Citizen Award.

The Atlantic Council Global Citizen Awards is the premier forum for world leaders, diplomats, the C-Suite, and the philanthropic, social, and entertainment communities to celebrate the highest expression of global citizenship. Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who received the award in 2015, is the only Italian prime minister to have recently received the award.

Meloni will be introduced by Chief Engineer at SpaceX and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk.

Press release - Atlantic Council website

UK Foreign Secretary calls for reformed multilateral system

September 23, 2024 | UK, Climate | Share this update

On 23 September, 2024, the UK FCDO Minister David Lammy called for reform of the multilateral system at the UN Summit of the Future in New York.

Lammy noted that the Summit for the Future provided a chance for Member States to demonstrate responsible global leadership and ensure everyone’s needs are met, especially the most vulnerable.

Lammy proposed:

  • Greater collective actions to prevent and end conflict, more significant support for international rule of law, and a more representative Security Council;
  • Urgent action on the climate and nature crisis – here, he referenced the need to build a Global Clean Power Alliance; and
  • Modernizing the approach to development to move away from a paternalistic attitude to one based on partnership and putting Indigenous people and local communities, including women and girls, at the center of decision-making on development programs.
Press release - UK government

Spanish Prime Minister calls for more cooperation at Summit of the Future

September 23, 2024 | Spain | Share this update

On September 23rd, 2024, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez made an address at the Summit of the Future during the 79th UNGA, which gathered several world leaders from donor and partner countries and high-level representatives from multilateral organizations.

Sánchez advocated for increased and better international cooperation to reach 2030 SDGs. In turn, Sánchez underlined the need for strengthening multilateral institutions as well as MDBs. He also called for the implementation of a new global tax upon great fortunes.

Prior to the 79th UNGA, Sánchez met with the UN Secretary General António Guterres and attended a breakfast organized by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz together with other social-democrat leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Brazilian President Lula da Silva to discuss global governance, multilateralism, climate change, and AI.

Press release - PM's office, "la Moncloa" (in Spanish)






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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