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Japan provides US$10 million emergency grant to Lebanon

October 21, 2024 | Japan, Global Health, Nutritious Food Systems, WASH & Sanitation | Share this update

On October 21, 2024, Japan announced an emergency grant of US$10 million in response to Lebanon’s worsening humanitarian situation.

This assistance will be delivered through organizations like UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, IOM, and ICRC, focusing on essential needs such as shelter, food, water, and healthcare.

The funding will be allocated as:

  • UNHCR: Shelter and non-food items (US$5 million);
  • WFP: Food assistance (US$2 million);
  • UNICEF: Water, sanitation, and hygiene (US$1 million);
  • IOM: Site management and non-food items (US$1 million); and
  • ICRC: Health and medical services (US$1 million).

Japan also called for restraint in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, urging diplomatic efforts to avoid further escalation.

Press release - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Japan provides US$342 million ODA loan to ADF

October 17, 2024 | Japan | Share this update

On October 15, 2024, JICA signed a loan agreement with the ADF to provide a Japanese ODA loan of up to JPY51.7 billion (US$342 million) for the 16th replenishment of the fund.

The agreement, signed in the presence of Japan’s Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs and ADF President Akinwumi Adesina, aims to strengthen cooperation to support Africa’s development.

The ADF provides long-term, low-interest financing to Africa’s least developed countries. This loan will contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction, supporting SDG #1 , SDG #9, and SDG #17.

Press release - Japan International Cooperation Agency

G7 Health Ministers reaffirm support to Gavi, Global Fund

October 11, 2024 | UK, France, Japan, Canada, US, Germany, Italy, EUI, Nutritious Food Systems, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Family Planning, WASH & Sanitation, Global Health, Global Health R&D | Share this update

On October 10 and 11, 2024, the G7's Health Ministerial Meeting took place in Ancona, Italy. The discussion focused on three overarching priorities: Global Health Architecture and Pandemic Preparedness and Response, healthy and active aging, and the One Health Approach.

The G7 Health Ministers Communiqué, released at the end of the meeting, highlights the G7's commitment to supporting SDG #3 through universal health coverage, primary health care, and sexual and reproductive health. This also includes maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health, strengthening the global health architecture by investing in PPR, promoting regional manufacturing of health products, and equitable access to quality health services.

The communiqué emphasized the health-related impacts of conflicts with a reference to the crises in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, and Sudan. Furthermore, in the communiqué, the G7 Ministries committed to continue to support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Global Fund, whose replenishment processes will occur in the upcoming months.

The Civil 7 engagement group, a platform through which civil society can engage with the G7, reacted with a communiqué in which they expressed an appreciation for the re-commitment to ending HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria through robust support for the Global Fund in its replenishment next year. This support is crucial to ending the three epidemics as agreed upon in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Finally, the G7 Health Ministers also adopted a policy brief on the opportunities presented by AI for both healthcare providers and patients.

Conference statement - G7 Health Ministers’ CommuniquéConference statement - G7 Policy brief on Artificial Intelligence: opportunities and challenges for the Health SectorPress release - C7 statement - International civil society calls for ambitious action for global health by the G7

Japan supports Ukraine’s reproductive health services amidst conflict

October 8, 2024 | Japan, Global Health, Gender Equality, Family Planning | Share this update

On October 8, 2024, a conference was held in Kyiv to discuss the outcomes and lessons learned from two reproductive health projects in Ukraine, funded by the Japanese government.

The projects, implemented by WHFP (a member of IPPF), aimed to mitigate the impact of GBV and improve access to reproductive health services in regions affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Key achievements of the projects include:

  • Providing medical equipment, medicines, and post-rape care kits to 10 medical facilities;
  • Delivering reproductive health services to over 1 million women and girls;
  • Training 459 healthcare workers on managing rape cases and emergency obstetric care;
  • Offering comprehensive sex education training to over 50 educators and counselors; and
  • Organizing 70 youth events on reproductive health.

The conference highlighted Japan’s crucial role in supporting Ukraine’s healthcare system during the ongoing conflict, emphasizing the importance of reproductive health services for women, girls, and vulnerable populations.

News article - International Planned Parenthood Federation (in Japanese)

Japan provides US$8 million grant to improve conditions in Afghanistan

October 7, 2024 | Japan, Global Health, Gender Equality, WASH & Sanitation | Share this update

On October 7, 2024, Japan signed an agreement for a grant of JPY1.2 billion (US$8 million) to improve living conditions for vulnerable urban populations in Afghanistan.

The agreement aims to address challenges in Kabul and Herat, two rapidly growing provinces facing inadequate infrastructure and services, particularly affecting women, the disabled, and the poor.

The project focuses on rehabilitating infrastructure such as healthcare facilities, water and sanitation systems, and roads, incorporating community participation and disaster risk considerations. By improving living conditions, it is expected to support the health and sustainable development of Afghanistan's vulnerable urban populations.

Press release - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (in Japanese)

New Japanese Prime Minster unveils cabinet, calls general election

October 1, 2024 | Japan | Share this update

On October 1, 2024, Japan faced a significant political shift as Shigeru Ishiba took office as the new prime minister, navigating a divided ruling party and preparing for a snap general election on October 27, 2024.

Ishiba’s leadership comes at a time of internal strife within the LDP, following a political funds scandal that damaged public trust. He has pledged political reforms, transparency, and economic policies to address rising prices, alongside plans to strengthen Japan’s defense and expand diplomatic ties with friendly nations, with the US-Japan alliance as the cornerstone. This commitment to diplomacy offers a key opportunity for Japan to consider how ODA can be mobilized not only for economic development but also as a tool to enhance international relations and promote regional stability.

However, Ishiba faces significant internal challenges, with strong opposition from factions aligned with former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. As his administration navigates these divisions, prioritizing ODA in Japan’s foreign policy strategy could serve as a critical bridge to strengthen both diplomatic ties and development outcomes, particularly in the context of the upcoming election, which may influence Japan’s global role.

News article - The Japan TimesNews article - ReutersNews article - The Japan Times

JICA submits budget request for FY2025

September 30, 2024 | Japan | Share this update

On September 30, 2024, JICA submitted its budget request for the 2025 fiscal year, aligned with its vision of Leading the World with Trust and focusing on human security and quality growth.

The budget proposal, based on Japan’s 2024 economic and fiscal policies, includes key priorities such as upholding a free and open international order, advancing international cooperation, promoting economic diplomacy, and enhancing efforts in the information age.

A total of JPY152.1 billion (US$1.1 billion) was requested for JICA operating and facility costs, an increase of JPY4 billion (US$28 million) from the previous year. This includes JPY150.5 billion (US$1 billion) for operating expenses and JPY1.7 billion (US$12 million) for facility maintenance.

JICA also requested JPY2.31 trillion (US$16.1 billion) for loan assistance projects, up by JPY300 billion (US$2.1 billion), to focus on supporting quality growth in low- and middle-income countries and addressing global challenges related to the 2030 Agenda and UN SDGs.

Press release - Japan International Cooperation Agency (in Japanese)

Japan outlines commitment to WPS

September 26, 2024 | Japan, Gender Equality | Share this update

On September 26, 2024, Foreign Minister Kamikawa outlined Japan's commitment to the WPS agenda at the WPS Focal Points Network High-Level Side Event in New York.

Kamikawa emphasized that WPS is a key pillar of Japan’s foreign policy and highlighted three key areas of progress: the establishment of a cross-organizational task force to enhance cooperation, the integration of WPS into foreign policy through over 150 diplomatic engagements, and the launch of the WPS and Innovation Policy Forum to strengthen international networks.

Kamikawa acknowledged the significance of the WPS Focal Points Network in fostering global cooperation and sharing best practices. She announced Japan’s intention, along with Norway, to co-chair the WPS Focal Points Network in 2025, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325. Japan will host the Capital-Level Meeting in Tokyo from February 4-6, 2025.

Finally, she emphasized the urgency of advancing WPS in light of ongoing conflicts, such as in Ukraine and Gaza, and highlighted the need to expand women's roles in peace-building, disaster risk reduction, and ensure action plans turn ideas into concrete measures. Japan aims to strengthen international solidarity and accelerate WPS activities in the coming years.

Press release - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Japan highlights global action on AMR at UNGA side event

September 25, 2024 | Japan, UK, Global Health | Share this update

On September 25, 2024, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivered a video message during the side event Global Action on AMR: Advancing Healthy Longevity and Sustainability under UHC, hosted by the HGPI, in collaboration with multiple organizations held in conjunction with the 79th UNGA High-Level Meeting on AMR.

In his message, he emphasized several critical points regarding Japan's commitment to tackling AMR.

  • Addressing the silent pandemic: Prime Minister Kishida highlighted the rise of AMR as a significant threat to global health security, estimating that around 5 million deaths are linked to AMR each year. He warned that the economic impact could reach annual losses of up to 3.4 trillion dollars in GDP by 2030;
  • One Health approach: He underscored the complexity of AMR, which encompasses human, animal, food, and environmental health, reiterating the necessity of cross-sectoral collaboration through a One Health approach;
  • International cooperation: Kishida expressed confidence in the global community's commitment to addressing AMR, referencing the collaborative efforts of organizations like FAO, WHO, OIE, and UNEP in developing comprehensive strategies;
  • G7 commitment: The Prime Minister mentioned the discussions on AMR during the G7 Hiroshima Summit, where leaders demonstrated political will and reaffirmed their commitments to AMR action, including a joint One Health expert meeting hosted by Japan; and
  • Future actions: Kishida anticipated that the political declaration from the upcoming high-level meeting on AMR would serve as a crucial catalyst for global actions against AMR, and reiterated Japan's intention to lead efforts in the international arena.

Dame Sally Davies, the UK Government Special Envoy on AMR, delivered a message that underscored the urgency of the AMR crisis. She emphasized that over 1.1 million people died from AMR in 2021, with projections indicating that by 2050, the death toll could exceed 39 million. She stressed the need for access to antibiotics, sustainable financing, and educational initiatives to combat AMR effectively. She called for the establishment of an independent science panel on AMR to assess evidence and inform future interventions.

Press release - Prime Minister's Office of Japan (in Japanese)Report - Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)

Japan provides US$193 million loan for UHC in Morocco

September 24, 2024 | Japan, Global Health | Share this update

On September 20, 2024, JICA signed a loan agreement with the Government of Morocco to provide an ODA loan worth JPY27.8 billion (US$193 million) aimed at helping Morocco achieve UHC by improving the delivery and quality of maternal and child health services, strengthening nutrition programs, and enhancing health financial protection.

The funds will provide general budget support, directly contributing to Morocco’s efforts to reform and expand its healthcare system, particularly in encouraging informal sector workers to join public health insurance.

The project aligns with two SDGs: zero hunger and good health and well-being. Scheduled for completion by January 2025, JICA’s contribution will also include technical assistance, in collaboration with UN agencies, to ensure successful implementation of the health reforms across Morocco.

This initiative expects to support economic stability and contribute to Morocco’s broader development goals. JICA will work alongside other international institutions that are co-financing the project to ensure comprehensive collaboration on health reform including the World Bank, AfDB, and AFD.

Press release - Japan International Cooperation Agency






US$ amounts are cited directly from sources; in the absence of an official conversion, they are calculated using the previous week's average of the US Federal Reserve's daily exchange rates.

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