Policy Context

Finland does not prioritize global health in its development cooperation policy. However, some health-related actions may be supported as part of its priority to strengthen women and girls’ position, self-determination, and sexual and reproductive health.

ODA Spending

How much ODA does Finland allocate to global health?

In 2021, Finland allocated a total of US$85 million (6%) of ODA, to global health. Finland was ranked 21st among DAC donors for its funding to global health, and 29th (last) among DAC donors for its funding to global health as a percentage of total ODA.

How is Finland's global health ODA changing?

Finland’s ODA funding to global health decreased between 2017 and 2019 but increased in 2020 and 2021. This was largely due to an increase in earmarked funding through multilaterals for infectious disease control and COVID-19 control.

How does Finland allocate global health ODA?

In 2021, Finland provided US$13 million (15%) of its health ODA as bilateral funding and US$33 million (38%) as earmarked funding through multilaterals. US$40 million (47%) was core funding to multilaterals.

Multilateral Spending

Bilateral Spending

In 2021, Finland provided US$46 million in bilateral health ODA (including bilateral and earmarked for multilaterals).

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Finland/Global Health

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