Policy Context

Luxembourg’s development strategy, The Road to 2030, mentions health as a priority issue as part of the thematic area “Improving access to quality basic social services”. In particular, Luxembourg emphasizes focus on HIV/AIDS, MNCH, and SRHR. Global health is also a focus of Luxembourg’s multilateral cooperation.

ODA Spending

How much ODA does Luxembourg allocate to global health?

In 2021, Luxembourg allocated a total of US$73 million (14%) of ODA, to global health. Luxembourg was ranked 22nd among DAC donors for its funding to global health, and 13th among DAC donors for its funding to global health as a percentage of total ODA.

How is Luxembourg's global health ODA changing?

Luxembourg’s ODA funding to global health fluctuated between 2017 and 2021, with a peak of US$81 million in 2019. This was driven by a spike in earmarked funding to multilaterals.

How does Luxembourg allocate global health ODA?

In 2021, Luxembourg provided US$37 million (51%) of its health ODA as bilateral funding and US$17 million (23%) as earmarked funding through multilaterals. US$19 million (26%) was core funding to multilaterals.

Bilateral Spending

Multilateral Spending

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