Policy Context

Gender equality is one of three key cross-cutting themes in Luxembourg’s development cooperation strategy, The Road to 2030. Strategies under the four thematic priorities also include an emphasis on gender equality, including focusing on maternal health, SRHR, education for women and girls, as well as women’s socio-economic integration.

ODA Spending

How much ODA does Luxembourg allocate to gender equality?

In 2021, Luxembourg provided US$119 million in gender equality-related funding. This included US$27 million (8% of bilateral allocable ODA) in funding for projects with gender equality as a principal objective and US$92 million (27% of bilateral allocable ODA) in funding for projects with significant gender equality components. In 2021, gender equality-related funding accounted for 37% of bilateral allocable ODA, lower than the DAC average of 42%.

How is Luxembourg's gender equality ODA changing?

Luxembourg’s gender-related ODA has remained relatively stable between 2017 and 2021, apart from a significant drop in 2020 due to 92% of the projects not being screened.

Multilateral Spending

Luxembourg contributed US$44 million to UNFPA in 2022, ranking 13th in terms of overall contributions. Of this, 13% (US$6 million) was core contributions and 87% (US$38 million) was non-core contributions towards UNFPA supplies and other programs. This contribution represented a significant increase in non-core contributions compared to previous years. In addition, Luxembourg contributed US$5.6 million to UN Women in 2022.

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Luxembourg/Gender Equality

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