Policy Context
Empowerment of women and girls is a central aspect of Austria’s strategic priority of democratic governance, empowerment of women and inclusive societies:
- Empowerment for societal, political, and economic participation and self-determination;
- Strengthening the role of women in armed conflicts and implementing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda;
- Protection against any form of GBV or conjugal slavery;
- Promotion of SRH and related rights with a large focus on female genital cutting;
- Strengthening gender-sensitive budgeting;
- Inclusion of men and boys in all areas of gender equality work;
- Collection of gender- and age-specific data; and
- Gender mainstreaming within bilateral development cooperation and actively working towards ambitious and systematic application of gender mainstreaming in the entire multilateral context.
Beyond the development strategy, Austria uses the European Union’s GAP as a central guideline for policy-making in gender equality.
ODA Spending
How much ODA does Austria allocate to gender equality?
How is Austria's gender equality ODA changing?
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Clara Brettfeld

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