Policy Context

Austria does not prioritize global health in its development cooperation policy. However, health-related programs focus on general health care and infrastructure, COVID-19 vaccines, poverty-related diseases, mother-child health, SRHR, and GBV, according to Austria's 2022-2024 Strategy on Development Policy.

ODA Spending

How much ODA does Austria allocate to global health?

In 2021, Austria has allocated US$94 million, or 6% of ODA, to global health, less than half of the DAC average of 15%. Austria was ranked 19th among DAC donors for funding to global health, and 28th among DAC donors for funding to global health as a percentage of total ODA.

How is Austria's global health ODA changing?

After a period of nearly constant ODA to health between US$45 million and US$52 million during 2017-2020, Austria’s funding for global health almost doubled in absolute terms between 2020 and 2021. Spending on health as a share of total ODA also increased during the same period.

How does Austria allocate global health ODA?

Austria channeled half of its ODA to health as core contributions to multilateral organizations in 2021, in line with funding levels since 2018. Austria’s health funding channeled bilaterally and as earmarked funding through multilaterals surged between 2020 and 2021.

Multilateral Spending

Austria’s top recipient of multilateral ODA is the World Bank’s IDA. It is followed by the European Commission’s development share of the budget and its Development Fund, and the African and Asian Development Funds.

Bilateral Spending

The largest share of Austria’s bilateral ODA to health was spent on COVID-19 control. The rest was spent on medical services, basic health care, and health policy and administrative management. Austria did not provide funding to for malaria interventions in the past five years.

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