ODA Spending

How much ODA does France allocate to gender equality?

In 2022, France was the 7th largest DAC supporter of projects related to gender equality. Despite the strategic emphasis on gender equality, France’s prioritization of gender within its broader development program only ranked 21st out of all DAC donors.

How is French gender equality ODA changing?

France’s increase in gender equality-related ODA in 2021 was in line with its 2021 Development Law, which stipulated that by 2025, 75% of programs financed by French ODA should include gender equality as either a principal or significant objective. However, funding levels dropped in 2022.

How does France allocate gender equality ODA?

Bilateral Spending

Multilateral spending and commitments

The Generation Equality Forum in June 2021, co-hosted by France in Paris, mobilized US$40 billion for the 2021-2025 period, with France committing EUR400 million ( US$473 million). In particular, France made EUR100 million (US$118 million) in new commitments for SRHR pledging an additional:

  • EUR90 million ( US$106 million) to UNFPA Supplies;
  • EUR5 million ( US$6 million) to the SEMA program;
  • EUR5 million ( US$6 million) to the Organization for Safe Abortion Dialogue; and
  • EUR250 million ( US$296 million) to SRHR via the AFD over five years.

This funding is complemented by:

  • A new commitment of EUR50 million (US$59 million) to the French Muskoka Fund between 2021-2026; and
  • EUR333 million ( US$400 million) to GPE for the next five years, half of which is earmarked for the promotion of girls’ education.

France also doubled its contribution to UN Women as part of the Generation Equality Forum pledge in 2021.

Funding & Policy Outlook

What is the current government's outlook on gender equality ODA?

Gender equality is a key objective of French President Emmanuel Macron’s term, according to the 2021 Development Law and CICID Conclusions. As host of the 2019 G7 Summit, France committed to adopting a ‘feminist diplomacy’. Accordingly, the 2021 Development Law establishes gender equality as a cross-cutting objective of French development policy overall, stipulating that by 2025, 75% of programs financed by French ODA should include gender equality as either a principal or significant objective, and at least 20% as a principal objective.

France’s International Strategy for Gender Equality (2018-2022) is currently being revised. It focuses on five pillars:

  • Gender equality within the administration;
  • Advocacy for gender equality;
  • Integration of gender equality in ODA, including through the OECD markers 4.1 and 4.2;
  • Visibility, transparency, and accountability of actions; and
  • Links with NGOs, the private sector, and academia.

France's international strategy for a feminist diplomacy is expected to be launched in 2024.

In March 2024, the MEAE organized an event entitled "Defending and promoting feminist diplomacy," in which it announced France would welcome the next edition of the shaping foreign feminist policy conference.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné reiterated France's responsibility towards feminist diplomacy and the defense of women's rights around the world. He pledged that the right to abortion would be incorporated into the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. He also praised the vital work of civil society, calling it the true architect of feminist diplomacy. Finally, he announced that France will organize the 4th international conference on feminist foreign policy in 2025.

France adopted its new SRHR Strategy for 2023-2027 in March 2023 following a rights-based approach. The strategy covers six thematic priorities:

  • Access to safe abortion;
  • Access to quality SRH services and products;
  • The fight against sexual and GBV;
  • Support for social and behavioral change through comprehensive sexuality education and actions to transform masculinities;
  • Equality and access to rights for LGBTQ+ people; and
  • The defense of SRHR in conflict /crises affected areas.

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