Donor Profile


Last updated: March 20, 2025



ODA Spending

How much ODA does the Netherlands contribute?

In 2023, OECD ODA data show that the Netherlands was the 7th-largest donor country, spending US$7.4 billion on ODA. This corresponded to 0.66% of its GNI, putting it in 7th place in a ranking of countries’ ODA expenditures relative to the size of their economies.

How is the Netherlands’ ODA changing?

Between 2020-2021, the Netherlands’ ODA and GDP decreased, followed by an increase in 2022 that held level in 2023, partly due to increased spending on IDRCs.

According to the latest development strategy, published in June 2022, the Netherlands plans to increase ODA spending by EUR300 million ( US$316 million) from 2022-2024, and then annually by EUR500 million ( US$526 million) from 2025 onward. Additionally, the ODA budget linked to GNI is expected to increase, though a large share of prospective ODA increases has already been allocated for refugee costs.

However, the increases stated in the 2022 development strategy will not materialize, following an announced ODA cut by the conservative coalition government formed in 2024. In 2025, ODA will be cut by EUR350 million ( US$367 million), increasing to EUR550 million ( US$579 million) in 2026 and reaching EUR2.5 billion ( US$2.6 billion) annually from 2027.

Where is the Netherlands’ ODA allocated?

In 2023, the Netherlands channelled 69% of its ODA bilaterally. This split between bilateral and multilateral funding in the Netherlands is likely to remain stable in coming years. The Netherlands’ strong bilateral funding focus is reflective of the government’s focus on promoting trade relationships and strengthening the link between development and trade.


Bilateral Spending

In 2022, IDRCs received the largest funding share of the Netherlands' bilateral ODA for the first time since 2018. This share increased slightly in 2023.

The Netherlands spent the second-largest share of bilateral ODA in 2023 on government and civil society. Funding to global health, an area closely related to Dutch thematic priorities, saw a significant jump between 2020-2021, and remained elevated in 2022.

The Netherlands selects its focus regions and countries based on three elements:

  • The urgency and need for development cooperation;
  • The added value of Dutch efforts; and
  • The potential for alignment with Dutch thematic priorities.

LICs remain the main recipients of the Netherlands’ ODA. Priority countries tend to be the countries of origin for a high proportion of migrants and refugees arriving in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands does not extend loans as part of its development cooperation. Despite this, engaging the private sector and promoting private sector growth in LICs is one of the Dutch government’s key priorities.

Multilateral Spending and Commitments

The Netherlands provides core contributions to several multilateral organizations, including the UNDP, UNICEF, and UNIDO, as well as international finance institutions including the AfDB, the World Bank, and the EBRD. The decrease in core multilateral cooperation funding was likely triggered by reallocations toward humanitarian relief funding to UN organizations like UNHCR, as well as the end of several multi-year obligations.

In December 2022, the Netherlands published its policy framework on global multilateralism. This framework is complementary to the government's coalition agreement and existing strategies, including the international climate strategy and global health strategy. The policy framework outlines three multilateral pillars:

  • Protecting the multilateral system against influences that undermine the international legal order and human rights;
  • Strengthening the Netherlands’ position and that of the EU in the current dynamic geopolitical multilateral field of influence; and
  • Ensuring the multilateral order is more representative, coherent, efficient, and effective, operating in line with the vision and mission of the founding treaties and statutes.

The Netherlands’ recent commitments to multilateral organizations are summarized below.

Politics & Priorities

What is the current state of Dutch politics?

The Netherlands is a representative democracy with a parliamentary system. Elections take place every four years, except in the event of a dissolution.

The nationalist, right-wing populist PVV won the 2023 national elections with 37 parliamentary seats. Party leader Geert Wilders is a divisive, long-standing figure in Dutch politics who is a strong critic of immigration. The PVV 's manifesto noted that it would put any climate agreements and measures “through the shredder” and to “immediately stop development cooperation” to redirect resources to Dutch citizens.

Wilders eventually chose not to become prime minister, possibly due to the contentious nature of his anti-Islam and anti- EU positions that could limit coalition potential. The PVV then formed a government coalition with the VVD, the Christian Democratic NSC, and the right-wing populist Farmer-Citizen Movement BBB, after facing some difficulties with coalition-building surrounding Wilders. Former Secretary-General at the Ministry of Justice and Security Dick Schoof, not associated with any party, instead assumed the role of Prime Minister. Schoof was considered a surprising choice, given his non-affiliation and lack of political experience. Previously, he was associated with the social-democratic PvdA for 30 years before leaving in 2019.

Schoof's coalition government plans to implement some of Wilders' radical policies, including stringent immigration controls. However, Schoof has emphasized his aim to be a prime minister for all Dutch citizens.

On May 16, 2024, the four coalition parties agreed to an outline agreement, titled Hope, Courage, and Pride, stating that the new Dutch government will cut two-thirds of the current development budget over 2025-2027, amounting to EUR3.4 billion ( US$3.6 billion).

Who is responsible for allocating the Netherlands’ ODA?

Dutch CSOs play an active role in Dutch development cooperation. The development CSO umbrella organization Partos represents over 100 organizations that engage with the Dutch parliament and the MFA to influence policy and funding decisions. Many CSOs implement their own programs in LICs and are funded by the Dutch government and through private donations. Since the end of 2015, program funding for CSOs has been cut sharply, and the MFA has placed a larger focus on strategic partnerships and advocacy. From 2021, funding for CSOs has been channeled through the new Strategic Partnership programs focusing on various themes. A total of 42 CSOs were funded under the Strategic Partnership grant scheme, under four different funding calls: Power of Voices (including food security, climate adaptation and human rights programs), Power of Women, the SRHR Partnership Fund, and Women, Peace and Security. The partnerships cover the period 2021-2025 and cover a total of EUR1.3 billion ( US$1.5 billion).

However, on November 11, 2024, the government announced plans to reduce NGO funding by over 70%, cutting the budget from EUR1.4 billion ( US$1.5 billion) from 2021-2025 to EUR390-EUR565 million ( US$424-614 million) for 2026-2030. This EUR1 billion ( US$1.1 billion) cut reflects the government’s goal to streamline spending and reduce NGO reliance on public funds. Priority areas for NGO funding are health (e.g., combatting HIV/AIDS, ending FGC), trade (e.g., promoting women’s entrepreneurship), and human rights (e.g., supporting vulnerable groups and female human rights defenders).

What are the Netherlands’ development priorities?

The objectives and priorities of the outgoing Dutch government's development policy are laid out in the policy document, Doing What the Netherlands is Good At. Released in June 2022 under former Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Liesje Schreinemacher, the document focuses on the intersection between trade and development priorities. The strategy’s self-proclaimed keyword is ‘focus,’ which covers both a geographic focus of 25 priority countries, and a thematic focus of traditional policy areas of expertise, including water, agriculture, and SRHR. Digitalization and sustainability appear as cross-cutting themes throughout the strategy.

The strategy focuses on three key areas:

  1. Trade: Dutch trade policy with LMICs will concentrate on a smaller number of markets, focusing on strengthening Dutch earning capacity and, together with trade partners, strengthening sustainability, digitalization, economic resilience, and the protection of entrepreneurs against unfair competition. Within the EU, the Netherlands aims to maintain its position as a driver for international corporate social responsibility legislation;
  2. Development cooperation: Tackling the root causes of ‘poverty, terrorism, irregular migration, and climate change,’ as well as reaching the SDGs remain the focus of Dutch development cooperation. Additional investments are dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthening global health systems, and climate change. Traditionally, strong areas of thematic expertise for the Netherlands like water, agriculture, and SRHR maintain high importance; and
  3. Strengthening the link between trade and development cooperation: Dutch businesses are set to become much more involved in achieving the SDGs in 14 emerging economies. This effort attempts to increase investment in sustainability and digitalization, as well as strengthen the connection between Dutch organizations and local partners. PPPs focused on export and innovation policy are of particular importance.

The Dutch government published its first Dutch International Climate Strategy and Global Health Strategy in October 2022.

Following the 2022 development strategy Doing what the Netherlands is Good At, the Dutch MFA published a theory of change for strengthening the private sector to promote development on November 28, 2022. The ministry believes that strong SMEs help accelerate the transition to sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in LMICs with SDG #8, especially women and youth. The three main ways that the MFA aims to strengthen SMEs in its 40 private sector development priority countries include:

  • Fostering business climate, for example, by strengthening farmers’ cooperatives to better represent farmers’ interests;
  • Improving trade conditions and making trade and production more sustainable through value chains, logistics, and ensuring policy coherence between international trade agreements and legislation regarding Corporate Social Responsibility; and
  • Increasing sustainability and inclusivity in the financial sectors of priority countries through financial products and services for SMEs, especially those owned by women and youth.


The Netherlands streamlined processes for CSOs to access funding in December 2022. Former Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher announced that the Netherlands has made an additional EUR8 million ( US$8 million) available for the Civic Space Fund's ‘flex option', meant for urgent, short-term projects, and lowered the application request minimum from EUR100,000 ( US$105,000) to EUR25,000 ( US$26,000).

The government divides grants for civil society in the new policy framework into seven specific themes:

  • Climate adaptation and mitigation;
  • Increasing sustainability of value chains;
  • Food security, sustainable water management, and WASH;
  • Women's rights and gender equality;
  • Freedom of expression and freedom of religion and belief;
  • Equal rights for LGBTQ+ populations; and
  • Security and the rule of law.

Since 2016, the Netherlands has crafted development policy coherence action plans to improve the effectiveness of Dutch development policies. The Dutch government evaluates these action plans and reports on their progress annually.

The Netherlands’ development strategy is expected to focus more on asylum reception in the region to prevent migration in the Netherlands as well as short-term humanitarian relief. Themes such as climate action and equal rights of women and LGBTQ+ populations are expected to be deprioritized by right-wing coalition parties.

By Issue

The Netherlands views gender equality as a prerequisite to all other development goals. The Netherlands is a global champion for gender equality, particularly in SRHR. ‘Equal rights and opportunities for women and girls’ and SRHR are two of the Netherlands’ development priorities. The Netherlands also launched its Feminist Foreign Policy in 2022 and released its handbook to support its Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees on November 29, 2024.

The largest, right-wing party PVV committed in its 2023 election manifesto to ensure that the government does not participate in gender equality measures.

| Read more about the Netherlands’ ODA related to Gender Equality


Climate: Regarding climate finance, the cabinet is committed to allocating 50% of public climate finance to adaptation. This is in line with an increasing focus on climate, which began under the previous government.

The Dutch government has also committed to increase its biodiversity finance by 50% by 2025. In line with this commitment, former Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher announced in 2022 that the Netherlands will contribute EUR50 million ( US$53 million) to the Nature, People and Climate investment program of the CIF, which focus on nature-based solutions.

The Dutch development bank FMO published a position statement on June 1, 2021, committing to phase out direct investments in fossil fuels over the course of a five-year transition period. The policy prohibits the bank from making any new direct investments in upstream or mid-stream stand-alone fossil fuel-related activities, with an exemption for natural gas and distributed power projects necessary for energy security at affordable prices. At COP28, the Dutch government launched an international coalition to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, comprising 13 countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Spain.

From March 22-24, 2023, the Netherlands co-hosted the UN Water Conference alongside Tajikistan in New York. Among the over 670 commitments made by attendees to address water-related issues as part of the Water Action Agenda, the Dutch government made several commitments. The Netherlands pledged EUR55 million ( US$58 million) in contribution to initiatives that help countries strengthen response towards water-related disasters and climate change.

| Read more about the Netherlands’ ODA related to Climate Change

Education has decreased in priority for the Netherlands. The Dutch government stated it would prioritize larger and longer programs on a smaller number of priority areas, which did not feature education. According to the HGIS, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science has committed to slightly increasing its ODA for university education from EUR48,000 ( US$57,000) in 2021 to EUR50,000 ( US$53,000) in 2022 and 2023.


| Read more about the Netherlands’ ODA for Education 


The Netherlands considers itself to be an international leader in the area of agriculture. It is prioritizing green energy and digitization transition especially in trade to lower international trade costs in its development cooperation. The Dutch government also sees agriculture as intertwined with food security, water management, and climate protection.


| Read more about the Netherlands’ ODA for Agriculture


By Region

In line with its 2022 Doing What the Netherlands is Good At policy, the Dutch government’s regional focus is on the ‘West African Sahel,’ the ‘Horn of Africa,’ and the MENA region. The 2022 development strategy lays out the Netherlands’ 22 focus countries for development cooperation, which also include countries outside of these focus regions, such as Mozambique and Bangladesh. In addition, the strategy also outlines 25 trade focus countries and 14 countries where both development cooperation and trade will be combined in bilateral programs.

The Netherlands published an updated Africa Strategy in May 2023, which outlined short-, mid-, and long-term actions to promote the 54 countries’ equal economic development, reduce poverty, improve human rights, and limit irregular migration.

In particular, the strategy displayed the Netherlands’ ambition to strengthen and deepen its strategic relationship and partnership with African countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally through the EU, with a focus on equitable and reciprocal cooperation based on mutual interests. Key themes included:

  • Promoting regional stability, mobility, and migration agreements;
  • Achieving the SDGs and AU 2063 Agenda; and
  • Increasing the prosperity and climate resilience of people and communities in Africa and Europe.

The strategy was based on consultations with Dutch, international, and African knowledge institutions and think tanks, as well as CSOs, international organizations, and partners in African countries.

The Netherlands also provides a range of support to 12 specific LDCs on the SDGs. Those countries largely coincide with the Netherlands’ focus regions and include Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, the Palestinian territories, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen.

At the same time, the Netherlands continues activities targeted toward specific objectives in 10 LMICs. Examples include the reception of refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, as well as reconstruction in Iraq. The full list of countries receiving targeted support covers Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chad, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Somalia, and Tunisia. In 2020, the Netherlands began ‘phasing out’ of several countries. These included Ghana and Indonesia, with which they intend to intensify their trade relations going forward.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of in Ukraine in February 2022, the Netherlands has been a key provider of support to Ukraine. On December 21, 2023, the Netherlands launched its support package of 2024 to Ukraine, totaling EUR102 million ( US$111 million) and aimed at providing urgent needs to help Ukraine get through winter and prepare for spring.

The four parties ( PVV, VDD, NSC, BBB) in the coalition government have generally negative views on immigration and asylum seekers. As a result, funding towards peace and security, as well as humanitarian support and migration are expected to be prioritized. Since the war in Ukraine has caused Ukrainians to flee and settle in the Netherlands, providing military and humanitarian relief to Ukraine could be used as a mechanism to prevent further immigration to the Netherlands. In terms of regional focus, ODA may primarily be focused on countries that host many refugees or asylum seekers in order to prevent further migration to the Netherlands.


What are the details of the Netherlands’ ODA Budget?

In April 2024, the Spring Budget showed that an additional EUR4.4 billion ( US$4.6 billion) will be made available for military and humanitarian support to Ukraine for 2024-2026. EUR800 million ( US$842 million) was reallocated to cover IDRCs.

ODA is distributed across several ministries.The MFTDC, which sits under the MFA, manages about half of the ODA budget. The MFA and Ministry of Justice and Security manage about a fifth of ODA each. The Ministries of Finance and Education administer most of the small remaining amount of ODA, and a fraction of a percentage of ODA is managed by ministries such as Agriculture and Health.

On Budget Day 2024, the Dutch government announced a EUR3.6 billion ( US$4.1 billion) total 2025 budget for the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Assistance and saw EUR300 million ( US$316 million) in cuts from the 2025 development budget.

The funding cuts, outlined in the May 2024 Coalition agreement, included reversing planned cuts to the Dutch diplomatic network from 22% to 10%, with the shortfall financed from the development budget. Key areas like water management, food security, and health remain prioritized.

A new sub-article for Foreign Trade consolidates support for Ukraine, allocating EUR252 million ( US$265 million) to humanitarian and infrastructure support and EUR60 million ( US$63 million) for humanitarian demining in 2025.

Additionally, the government will no longer tie the development budget to the size of the Dutch economy, ending the practice of allocating 0.7% ODA/GNI as per OECD guidelines.


How does the Netherlands determine its ODA budget?

The Dutch fiscal year is the same as the calendar year.

The Donor Tracker team, along with many DAC donor countries, no longer uses the term "foreign aid". In the modern world, "foreign aid" is monodirectional and insufficient to describe the complex nature of global development work, which, when done right, involves the establishment of profound economic and cultural ties between partners.

We strongly prefer the term Official Development Assistance (ODA) and utilize specific terms such as grant funding, loans, private sector investment, etc., which provide a clearer picture of what is concretely occurring. “Foreign aid” will be referenced for accuracy when referring to specific policies that use the term. Read more in this Donor Tracker Insight.

Our Netherlands Experts

Lauren Ashmore

Lauren Ashmore
