ODA Spending
How much ODA does South Korea allocate to agriculture?
South Korea spent 8% of total ODA on agriculture in 2022. It was the 10th largest DAC donor in absolute terms and the largest in relative terms.
How is South Korean agricultural ODA changing?
Total ODA to agriculture increased in 2022, following a significant increase in 2021, and eclipsed pre-COVID-19 levels after a decrease in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
How does South Korea allocate agricultural ODA?
Bilateral Spending
78% of South Korea’s ODA to agriculture was channeled bilaterally in 2022, significantly above the DAC average of 51% and in line with South Korea’s priorities, including 18% as earmarked funding through multilaterals.
In line with its development strategy and other sectors, South Korea favors bilateral ODA in agricultural development spending.
Multilateral Spending and Commitments
Compared to other DAC donors, South Korea spends very little on core contributions to multilateral organizations.
The table below summarizes South Korea’s more recent commitments to multilaterals working on agricultural development. Some of these commitments are considered core funding to multilaterals while others will be earmarked funding through multilaterals.
Funding & Policy Outlook
What is the current government's outlook on agricultural ODA?
KOICA, South Korea’s implementing agency, identified ‘inclusive and sustainable rural development’ as one of three priority sectors in its Agriculture and Rural Development Mid-Term Strategy 2021-2025.
Other priorities include expanding market access for sustainable production, promoting resilience to climate change in rural production systems and natural resources, and scaling of innovative information and communication technology, high-tech systems, and machinery in ‘smart farms.’ The 2024 Annual Implementation Plan emphasizes support to overcome food crises with the pursuit of strategic agriculture ODA including smart farms, or providing high-yielding rice seeds based on the needs of recipient countries. It also highlights expanding collaborations with international organizations with expertise in agriculture and food ODA such as WFP and FAO.
Partner countries in the African continent as part of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Africa, published in February 2023, are the primary regional focus for ODA funding for strategic agriculture ODA. The Strategy for Agricultural Development Cooperation published in November 2023 also highlights a K-Rice Belt for seven African countries to provide rice seeds and cultivation technology based on Korea’s experience.
The K-Rice Belt initiative is a project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. According to the ministry and the Rural Development Administration, 2,231 tons of Korean rice varieties have been harvested in Ghana (330 tons), Gambia (180), Senegal (66), Guinea (1,119), Cameroon (111), and Uganda (515) in March 2024. The harvested rice will be distributed to farmers and those in need of food in each country.
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