Most of Germany’s funding related to climate change adaption is anchored in agriculture or rural and urban development projects. The focus on agriculture is reflected in BMZ’s special initiative and core topic Life without Hunger – Transformation of agricultural and food systems, where climate-smart agriculture is prioritized, with a focus is on LDCs and SIDS.
Germany aims to fulfill the vision of the InsuResilience Global Partnership to provide climate insurance to 500 million vulnerable people and to build resilient infrastructure for water and agriculture to help communities increase their climate resilience. However, the strategy does not lay out in detail what concrete goals and milestones the BMZ is pursuing in climate adaptation going forward.
The main adaptation topics within BMZ are water-resource management, climate-resilient agriculture, and climate insurance. Events focused on other sectors but that link to the topic of adaptation such as agriculture or water are also key, including the World Water Forum, Food Systems Summit, and Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin.
ODA Spending
ODA In Context
Germany was the largest DAC donor to agriculture initiatives in 2023, though by a much smaller margin than the previous year.
Germany’s relative prioritization of agriculture in 2023 is 4.2% of ODA, ranking 19th among donors and a significant decrease from 6% the previous year.
ODA Trends
Germany’s funding to agriculture has increased significantly since 2018. This was driven by an increase in earmarked funding through multilaterals. This has also been driven by the prioritization of certain issues, notably food security and increased self-sufficiency, in partner regions. In line with its prioritization of bilateral funding (including earmarked funding through multilaterals), Germany channeled only 36% of agriculture ODA in 2023 as core funding to multilaterals.
ODA Breakdown
Bilateral Spending
Bilateral channels are Germany’s preferred funding mechanism for agriculture. Within its special initiative, Life without Hunger, the BMZ focuses on global food security and enhancing agricultural resilience as well as rural development. Accordingly, 36% of bilateral funding in total went to agricultural development and rural development in 2022. This is more than 10% below the distribution of 2021, however, looking at absolute terms, agricultural development and rural development more than doubled between 2021 and 2022.
Multilateral Spending and Commitments
Most of Germany’s ODA to agriculture channeled as core funding to multilaterals in 2023 was provided to the EU institutions. The GCF was the second-largest recipient, with 8% of Germany's total ODA to agriculture.
Germany supports CGIAR and GAFSP. While these are multilateral organizations, the funding is included in Germany’s earmarked bilateral ODA due to OECD classifications. In October 2020, the BMZ hosted GAFSP’s 2020-2025 replenishment kick-off and pledged US$228 million. On the sidelines of the World Bank Annual Meeting in Washington in October 2022, Germany announced that it will increase contributions to GAFSP by US$63 million in 2022. As of April 2023, Germany has committed US$582 million in total, making it the second largest donor after the US.
The table below summarizes Germany’s recent commitments to multilaterals working on agricultural development. Some of these commitments are considered core funding to multilaterals, while others will are earmarked as bilateral funding from Germany.
Funding and Policy Outlook
Prioritizing food and nutrition security, rural development: Agriculture was one of the strategic priorities of former Development Minister Gerd Müller, who in 2014 launched ONE WORLD - No Hunger. The program is focused on food and nutrition security and rural development and is continued in the 2021-2025 legislative term under Development Minister Svenja Schulze with the new title Transformation of agricultural and food systems. The special initiative is being implemented through official and non-governmental development cooperation, as well as through multilateral partners. Life without Hunger – Transformation of agricultural and food systems’ is also one of the six core themes within the BMZ’s Agenda 2030 thematic model’.
The core theme focuses on the following priorities:
- Food and nutrition security;
- Agricultural innovation;
- Rural development; and
- Sustainable agriculture value chains and food systems.
Increased focus on food security: Due to the impact of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on food security, the issue has received more attention from the BMZ in the context of Germany’s G7 presidency. German development minister Svenja Schulze proposed a Global Alliance for Food Security that can respond in an agile and coordinated way to the hunger crisis triggered by the invasion at the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington DC in April 2022. The alliance was launched on May 19, 2022, during the meeting of the G7 development ministers.
Supporting smallholder farmers: Support for smallholder farmers is a strategic priority for Germany, particularly in the context of gender equality. This support aims to increase agricultural sustainability and productivity and to improve adaptation to climate change. Within this strategic priority, Germany hopes to foster innovation along the agricultural value chain with a focus on fair and secure tenure and land-use rights. Additionally, Germany prioritizes resilience against famine by incentivizing small-scale farmers to shift from subsistence farming to producing a marketable surplus.
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